Have questions? We've got answers.
We have a lot of data already. Where does Lighted Road AI add value?
Carriers are awash in data. They gather inputs from various sources. However, this data remains in silos, with most Carriers lacking the technology and resources to create a multi-dimensional view.

Our AI/ML-based integrated analytics platform provides granular insights by Plan and County, across hundreds of plan features and benefits.

Using the above, Carriers can simulate and rank thousands of alternatives to make better decisions and trade-offs to drive profitable growth.
What is unique about your Platform? We have our own analytics team.
Our extensive data pipelines and multi-stage ensemble of AI/ML Models and algorithms enables granular insights by Plan, County and Customer segment.

We provide integrated, multi-dimensional analytics across hundreds of plan features and benefits, including unique capabilities like 'benefit combo' analysis.

Our technology enables simulation and ranking of thousands of scenarios and quantifying their impact to help Carriers optimize plan design, distribution and marketing.
What does "likelihood of plan selection" mean?
A lot of factors impact market share. Many of them, like competitors' future offerings, are unknown during plan design or marketing preparation.

We help you in putting your best foot forward  by maximizing metrics like "likelihood of plan selection" based on your vision, feedback from channels, targeted customer segments, geographies and infrastructure.

"Likelihood of Plan Selection" or LPS, refers to the percentage of new or existing enrollees actively looking for a MA plan in a given market, who are likely to select a given plan.
We have already started our process. Can you still help?
We supplement, not disrupt, our clients' processes by providing insights and recommendations to help them deliver better product faster.

This approach enables us to engage and provide needed insights with minimal client interaction. Given our various offerings and quick turnaround, we can add value at any stage of a client's internal process.

It is highly recommended though to start the engagement as early in the process as possible for better understanding of portfolio direction, vision and roadmap.

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 2570 N 1st St., Ste 200
San Jose, CA 95131
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